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The N/M20 Cork to Limerick project’s November 2020 Public Consultation is now closed but the project team are still available to discuss any queries you may have going forward. The project team are contactable by phone on 061 973730 or email

The study area that encompasses the N/M20 shortlisted options is approximately 21,500 Hectares and some 5,500 properties fall within this area. The public consultation process has been conducted based on the principles of openness, transparency and maximum participation and as such the project team have availed of many forms of notifying the project with the aim of maximising engagement and participation. The following measures were employed to notify the public of the project and the public consultation process.

  1. Newspaper: Two sets of public notices were published in the following national and regional newspapers in the weeks commencing 16th November and 30th November, with the second notice being a half page colour notice with maps of the shortlisted options.
    • Irish Examiner
    • Evening Echo
    • The Corkman
    • Mallow Star
    • Vale Star
    • The Avondhu
    • Limerick Leader
    • Limerick Post
  2. Radio: Public announcements (40 second duration) were played on the following radio stations 3 times a day on the 20th, 23rd, 26th November and 11th and 14th December.
    • Cork 96FM
    • Cork 103FM
    • Limerick 95FM
  3. Briefing to Elected Representatives: A virtual briefing to elected representatives (Cllrs, TDs, Senators & MEPs) in Cork and Limerick was held on the 19th November 2020. Over 60 elected representatives attended this briefing.
  4. Project Website: A virtual consultation room was opened on the project website ( on the 19th November which included interactive mapping, information banners, brochures, online feedback form and online consultation meeting booking facility. The virtual consultation room is closed, however the above information is available on the project website.
  5. Local Authority Websites: The three local authorities published notices on their respective websites.
  6. Twitter: The three local authorities have issued a number of tweets throughout the public consultation inviting the public to engage with the process.
  7. Letters to Properties: Notification letters were issued to over 5,000 properties within the Phase 2 Study Area. These letters have led to hundreds of calls from residents seeking to engage in the public consultation.
  8. Public Display: Drawings of the shortlisted options were made available for viewing at any time on the external windows, near the main entrances, of the following public buildings:
    • N/M20 Project Office, Lissanalta House, Dooradoyle, Limerick, V94 H5RR
    • Limerick City and County Council, Dooradoyle Road, Dooradoyle, Limerick, V94 WV78
    • Limerick City and County Council, Merchants Quay, Limerick, V94 EH90
    • Kilmallock Municipal District Office, Railway Road, Kilmallock, Co. Limerick, V35 K497
    • Mallow Library, Thomas Davis Street, Mallow, Co. Cork, P51 DK50
    • Cork County Council Headquarters, County Hall, Carrigrohane Road, Cork, T12 R2NC
    • Cork City Council, City Hall, Anglesea Street, Cork, T12 T997
  9. Extension to Submission Date: The closing date of the public consultation was extended by four weeks from the 18th December 2020 to the 15th January 2021. This resulted in a non-statutory public consultation period of eight weeks.

The public have actively engaged with the consultation process as demonstrated by the 38,000 online visits to the virtual consultation room. In addition, we have held 726 individual consultation meetings (online and telephone), received 1,091 submitted feedback forms and over 1,000 written/email submissions. We have also attended a number of public online meetings arranged by elected representatives providing information on the project and answering queries.

The project team are collating and reviewing all the information received as part of the consultation process such that it can inform the selection process in identifying the preferred option, which is scheduled for summer 2021. The identification of the preferred option will further refine the study area and reduce significantly the number of people potentially impacted upon by the project.

The project team would like to sincerely thank the public for their engagement with the consultation process in such difficult circumstances with the current pandemic.