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N/M20 Meetings during Covid-19 (19/08/2020)

In the interest of everyone’s safety, during Covid-19, all meetings should be virtual or by phone where possible. However, in exceptional circumstances, in agreement with our Public Liaison Team, a physical meeting in our Project Office can be facilitated, by appointment only. All physical meetings are subject to following the Government guidelines with respect to […]

Phase 2 Study Area – Site Visits/Surveys (24/06/2020)

As part of the ongoing identification of constraints, the project team is undertaking site visits/surveys within the Phase 2 study area to gather information to be considered when developing options. The project team members undertaking the site visits are in full compliance with the current Government guidelines on COVID – 19. Should you have any […]

May 2020 Update (25/05/2020)

Phase 2 Work on the N/M20 Cork to Limerick scheme is now progressing to the examination of alternative options to determine a Preferred Option to connect the two cities.  During this Phase, the N/M20 project team is developing and appraising road-based and rail-based options, to initially identify a shortlist of options and following detailed examination […]

Covid-19 (25/03/2020)

Due to Covid-19 (Coronavirus) our office is presently closed. Please feel free to contact us through any of the below: Website:  Email:       Phone:              061 973730


The Cork to Limerick scheme will be developed within the broad N20 corridor via Charleville and Mallow. Elected Representatives from the region were informed of this decision and updated on progress on the Cork to Limerick scheme at a briefing held today (February 19th) in Charleville. Improved accessibility between urban centres of population and their […]

N/M20 Cork to Limerick Road Improvement Scheme (29/04/2019)

The scheme will see the partners deliver planning and design services for a high-quality road connecting Cork and Limerick. This will be a flagship project for Limerick City and County Council, Cork County Council, Cork City Council, Tipperary County Council, Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport, and Transport Infrastructure Ireland with a ‘digital by default’ […]