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Limerick City and County Council is progressing the development of the N/M20 Cork to Limerick project in partnership with Cork County Council, Cork City Council, Transport Infrastructure Ireland and the Department of Transport.  The project is a priority investment in the Government’s National Development Plan 2021-2030. A consultation process was held in late 2020 / […]


The N/M20 Cork to Limerick Project Mobility Dashboard is an online resource which provides multi-modal travel information in the southern region, focusing on Cork and Limerick. The platform includes real-time multi-modal journey time information; mobility trends for Limerick, Cork and Ireland as a whole; and traffic flow information utilising Transport Infrastructure Ireland’s network of permanent […]

N/M20 Cork to Limerick – Phase 2 Update (07/09/2021)

Following the public consultation held earlier this year, the N/M20 project team have carefully considered the extensive feedback received from the public and key stakeholders. This feedback has been considered as part of the detailed appraisal leading towards the identification of the best performing option or combination of options which will be taken forward as […]

Shortlist Options Field Work (26/04/2021)

Following the recent public consultation over winter 2020/21 on the shortlisted options for the N/M20 project, a number of environmental surveys will be conducted within the study area in the period April-May 2021. These surveys will, in the main, relate to ecological and archaeological walkover examinations of sites of interest. The surveys will gather information […]

November 2020 Public Consultation (03/02/2021)

The N/M20 Cork to Limerick project’s November 2020 Public Consultation is now closed but the project team are still available to discuss any queries you may have going forward. The project team are contactable by phone on 061 973730 or email The study area that encompasses the N/M20 shortlisted options is approximately 21,500 Hectares […]

Appropriate Assessment (AA) Screening for Preliminary Site Investigations (12/01/2021)

N/M20 Cork to Limerick – Appropriate Assessment (AA) Screening for Preliminary Site Investigations Limerick City and County Council has carried out an Appropriate Assessment (AA) Screening Report and has determined that a full Appropriate Assessment is not required in respect of the proposed N/M20 Cork to Limerick Preliminary Site Investigations. A copy of the Appropriate […]


Limerick City and County Council is progressing the development of the N/M20 Cork to Limerick project in partnership with Cork County Council, Cork City Council, Transport Infrastructure Ireland and the Department of Transport.  Improved accessibility between urban centres of population and their regions is identified as a major enabler for balanced regional development in the […]